Here is to the day of love! It’s only fitting that I talk about one of my most personal and passionate moments in the artistic journey thus far on a day dedicated to love and intimacy; both of the mental and physical kind. Creating a connection and removing any sense of question or judgment toward one another. A moment shared without any words spoken but instead felt through the gateways of the eyes to your bodies nervous system. Just like watching fireflies dancing in the night sky; this is what being “bare” means to me. Bringing the very feeling to life from my paint strokes; creating a piece full of intimacy, life, and truth between two partners coming together as one. Creating a moment that is both timeless and rare with emotion. My goal is to have the viewer take in every corner of my painting. Feeling the power of love and intimacy jumping off the wood surface with my use of vibrate blues, yellows, whites, and green oil paint; writing a visual dialogue while asking yourself.
Do you remember a time when you were completely vulnerable? Being able to relinquish all that holds you back and makes you question your own intentions. Do you remember that feeling of complete openness… complete bare in your emotions and character?
Often times the journey to this moment comes with many highs and lows within ourselves and our partners, but it is well worth it. Sharing compassion with passion, all previous notions of needing to hide behind our feelings are left at the waist side. Working together as one of both figures bring their unique identities to the forefront. I want the viewer to see their individualities and demeanor as an independent factor in this love story. Taking time to take in each figures own character as their bodies speak in their own love language.
From the touch of her hand against his chest to the gentle and yet strong pulling of her body closer to his; the moment is pure and untainted. In just a small wrinkle in time all 5 senses are being used; linking together like DNA strands in the human body. Slight goosebumps running down their bodies as their stair grows deeper. The space between their lessons and love grows more passionate. It is at this very moment I intend for the viewer to connect with the figures standing before them. The vibration of color and emotion filling the space between audience and painting from surface to eyesight. My intentions become clear and my presentation starts to take on another form. Almost alien like traveling beyond the stars; my depiction in visual form of becoming “Bare”.
My gift to the world is a moment to share my interpretation of both innocents and maturity coming together as one. I give a piece of myself, exposing my own thoughts and becoming bare with life and love. We often try and hide behind our feelings, especially when in intimate settings but I wanted to expose that layer and bring it to the surface. Sharing an intimate image of two figures so engulfed in the moment they share with each other they see no other. Both are able to take each other for who they are as they stand in complete silence baring their own truths. Love comes in many forms, it is in this form I have chosen to share the essence of the beginning and end of time as it stands still. Capturing what love means to me; with clarity, peace, and harmony.